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Purple Lotus Yoga Teacher Training
START HERE: Getting Started Guidelines
START HERE: YTT Overview (31:32)
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Required + Recommended Books
Sanskrit Pronunciation
MODULE 1: Yoga Foundations
Welcome to Yoga Foundations
Yoga Foundations Downloads
What is Yoga + History of Yoga (15:12)
Father of Modern Yoga + Influencers (20:18)
Many Ways to Practice Yoga (27:26)
Yoga Philosophy, Eight Limbs (57:30)
Kriya Yoga (18:04)
Yoga Foundations Study Guide
Yoga Foundations Checklist + Homework
MODULE 1: Foundation Postures
START HERE: Asanas + Anatomy
Mountain (17:38)
Foundational Postures (29:59)
Symmetrical Postures (27:18)
MODULE 2: Teaching Foundations
Welcome to Teaching Foundations
Teaching Foundations Downloads
12 Top Tips for Teaching Yoga
Additional Teaching Tips (19:42)
Tools of Hatha Yoga (7:40)
Vinyasa Krama (48:29)
Sequencing Templates
JUST ADDED: 108 Pose Cheat Sheet
Teaching Foundations Study Guide
Teaching Foundations Checklist + Homework
MODULE 2: Postures
Sun Salutation Postures Handout
Sun Salutation Postures Part 1 (24:27)
Sun Salutation Postures Part 2 (20:46)
Module 3: Diversity, Equality & Inclusion
Four Agreements
Diversity, Inclusion, Equality
Yoga Humanities
MODULE 3 : Cool Down
Cool Down Poses Handout
Cool Down Postures Part 1 (21:04)
Cool Down Postures Part 2 (18:35)
MODULE 4: Breathing Foundations
Welcome to Breathing Foundations
Breathing Foundations Handout
Importance of Breath (7:19)
Pranayama (8:29)
Anatomy of Breathing (9:15)
Breathing Habits (9:30)
Breathing Techniques 1 (14:27)
Breathing Techniques 2 (11:34)
Additional Breathing Videos
Breathing Foundations Study Guide
Breathing Foundations Checklist + Assignments
MODULE 4 : Standing Postures
Standing Poses Handout
Standing Asymmetrical Postures (24:49)
MODULE 5: Meditation Foundations
Welcome to Meditation Foundations
Meditation Foundations Handout
Benefits of Meditation (13:00)
3 Easy Steps for Meditation (14:30)
Tools of Meditation (8:53)
Bandhas (13:33)
Additional Resources for Meditation
Meditation Foundations Study Guide
Meditation Foundations Checklist + Assignments
MODULE 5: Seated Postures
Seated Postures (24:26)
MODULE 6: Anatomy Foundations
Welcome to Anatomy Foundations
Anatomy Foundations Handout
Bodily Systems (39:54)
Nervous System + Vagus Nerve (19:20)
Judith Lasater Anatomy Videos
Anatomy Foundations Study Guide
Anatomy Foundations Checklist + Assignments
MODULE 6: Standing Balancing Postures
Standing Balancing Poses Handout
Standing Balancing Part 1
Standing Balancing Part 2
MODULE 7: Chakra Foundations
Welcome to Chakras Foundations
Chakra Foundations Handout
Introduction to Chakras (9:15)
Root Chakra (8:33)
Pelvic Chakra (7:30)
Solar Plexus (6:59)
Heart Chakra (7:58)
Throat Chakra (9:00)
Forehead & Crown Chakras (9:35)
Chakra Foundations Study Guide, Checklist + Assignments
MODULE 7: Prone + Arm Balances Poses
Prone Poses Handout
Prone Asanas Part 1
Prone Asanas Part 2
MODULE 8: Arm Balancing
Arm Balances Handout
Arm Balancing Asanas
BONUS MODULE: Private 1:1 Module
3 Easy Steps for Meditation
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